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[[2 columned table]]
|   |   |
|Lacy R S Capt A Q M & Supt|35.73.D.|
|Lancraft Charles. E.|250.|
|Larker R. W.|160.|
|Laws J. H. secy &c|270.|
|Leary Madison|S. 40.|
|Leaword A. T.|W.172|
|Leavitt C. M. "P. M"|285.|
|LeCuts - Dr|L.318.|
|Lee B. P.|T.63.142. G.117.|
|Lee R. D.|u. 58.202.|
|Lee J. G. C. Bvt Col A Q M|H. 50.|
|Lee F. H.|289.|
|Lee Wm. H.|S.389.|
|Levers Van N Private &c|312.315.|
|Lewis Rev Wm|155.199.|
|Lockby Lawrence cold|U.40|
|Low Nat Jr capt & A Q M|82.161.x.174.|
|Lowell Wm A.|137.|
|Lucas Sarah cold|J.5|
|Lucas Nat cold|Z.25|
|Lucas Margaret cold|Z.25|
|Ludlow Genl|E.2|
|Lyle Ann and Jerry cold|I.227.|
|Lynch Nicholas|0.35.|
|Lyons Isaac cold|R.326.|

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-22 17:25:46 Not a table ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-23 18:31:42