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|   |   |
|Page Royce. J.|44.|
|Page Alexina|138.|
|Paine C. G. G. Supr of Schools|22.226.255.|
|Palmer W. H. A.a.Surg|113|
|Parker F. W. M.D.|64.66.H.185. V.208|
|Parker W. H.|384.|
|Parsons Agnes cold|F.113.|
|Parramore Thomas. C.|234.290.304|
|Patrick John|221.328|
|Peek Janet|122.217|
|Pegram - Capt|D.182.J274|
|Percy H. C. Cashr| N.238.246|
|Perkins William. A.|161.228|
|Pepper Calvin|K.123.R.286.301|
|Phillips- Thomas.|334.|
|Phillips John. L. Private||
|Phillips Mrs Mary P|201.|
|Pierpoint F. H. Goo'|D182.H.226.274.300|
|Pinkham Lydia H.|42|
|Plato - Maj. & Ag M|M.74|
|Pollard James G|332.|
|Potts - Dr|J. C. E.113|
|Power Ro' H|65.[[strikethrough]]M. 237[[/strikethrough]]|
|Powell James|I.121. M. 237.|
|Powell Lucinda|I. 121. M. 237.|
|Powell William Cold|D. 316.|
|Pratt J. F. A.A.Surg|230.234.|
|Pride O. S.|F 49-E.150|
|Pritchard James|M - 34.|
|Proctor Christopher|65, H. 339,|
|Prisky. F.|13.|