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[[2 columned table]]
|   |   |
|Saunders B.F.|O.305.|
|Savage E.E.|102.335.|
|Sawyer H.B. Lieut & Asst Supr|246.250.|
|Schlieker P.F.|144|
|Scott H.B. Lt Col Inspector &c|a.|
|Scott Harrison|211.|
|Sears Hector Lieut & Asst Supr|227.|
|Segar Jos|12.123.176.|
|Shaw S.F.|100.248|
|Shaw Francis. G. Pres. & c,|D.182|
|Sheet Jacob|69.|
|Shields J.R.|J.72|
|Shields B.S.|m.95|
|Shurtleff S.G. Asst Supr|216.264|
|Simons J. Bot Col & Med Dir|R.37.V.87.|
|Simons Council cold|C.1.|
|Sinclair J.B.|m.|
|Smith F.H.|36.50.76.U.293.318.|
|Smith James. F.|88.|
|Smith Nelson (Admn)|143|
|Smith Richard|177.|
|Smith R. Mc.P.|195.341|
|Smith Henry|195.341|
|Smith Ed.W. a.a.G.|R.17.D.27|
|Smith William. F.|Y.63.Q.128|
|Smith Overton|X83.Y.140.a.180|
|Smith W.S.|m.95.|
|Smith David.D.|O.159.|
|Smith Benj E Jr|232.|
|Smith J.S. Capt & Asst Supr|285.|
|Smith Francis. L.|340.|
|Smiley [[Mip?]] S.F.|259|
|Snelling Dr_|F.113.|
|Snyder J.N.|229.[[strikethrough]]260[[/strikethrough]].266.303|
|Southgate John|B.343.|
|Spence W.A.|50.|
|Stanton E.M. Secy of War|M.124.|
|Stackpole J.L. Maj &c|2/193.225|
|Stevens Hon Thad|226.253.|
|Steinman Lieut|Y.140|
|Steptoe Catherine|273.|
|Steiner W.H.|2.|
|Stiner and Whipple|D.2.|
|Strachems John. A.|14.45.61.|
|Strawbridge S.D. Col &c|U.80