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[[2 columned table]]
|   |   |
|Stringfelllow Chas. S.|247.|
|Stuart H.G.|26.|
|Sullivan James|56.X.102|
|Sullivan T.C. Col & C.S.|P.192|

[[2 columned table]]
|   |   |
|Tabb Thomas.|40.[[strikethrough]]61[[/strikethrough]].86|
|Tabb Edward|175.|
|Taylor Wm E.|26.a.26.T.80.P.127.130.134.V.135_184.194.227.253|
|Taylor R.C|84.204.|
|Taylor WH|84.204|
|Taylor Tazewell||
|Taylor Steptor B.|184.189.|
|Taylor Robert B.|13.26|
|Taylor Joseph. "Private"|a.66.|
|Taylor William. [Colored]|S.79|
|Taylor Laura Ann|Y.84|
|Taylor Alfred S.|D.87|
|Taylor John|E.149.E.150|
|Taylor N. Jr.|220.|
|Temple Wm S.|146.|
|Temple Fred.|E.48.J.154.R.240|
|Terry, A.H. Maj Genl &c|73.R.17.R.99.Z106.B.215.K.232.S.240|
|Thomas Revd J.R.I.|19.I.25.|
|Thomas. Ws John W.|154.|
|Thomas. John. L. Jr.M.C|F184.|
|Thompson J|29.61.|
|Thompson W.|259.263.278.|
|Thornton William|L.124.|
|[[strikethrough]]Tigels John|B.187[[/strikethrough]]|
|Tinsley A.M.D|6.|
|Tinsley Nelson Colored|R.164.|
|Tinsley, Thomas & Alex & G.G.|233.248.265.|
|Toby EH. Capt|K.275.|
|Tokes James Cold|Q.37|
|Townsend E.B. Lt&A.S.||
|Treadway TT.|231.287.313.|
|Trivillian J.M.|29.61.|
|Tubbs C.Z. Lt. & as|R.99.G.225.|
|Tucker JH. M.D.|271.|
|Tunnell George|J.122.M.190|
|Tunnell Rosetta W.|265.|
|Tunnell Wm S.|265.|
|Tupman John M.|69.|
|Turner W.H Pred. &c|142|
|Turner JW. Maj. Genl|Y.24.T.105.P.193|

Transcription Notes:
Could not complete right page. Left off on "Temple [[?]] S. 146." Completed right page, formatted as a table. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-23 19:12:14 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-23 21:16:43