Viewing page 23 of 25

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[2 columned table]
|Wager Annie|330.|
|Walker Jane|B.254.|
|Walker WE|119.|
|Waller H M|239.|
|Waller R.P.m.d.|239.|
|Ward Mathias|333.|
|Warrein [[Hos?]] D. 6m|F.308|
|Washington Albert|1.2.|
|Watkins [[Saml b?]]|51.80.239.|
|Watson Augustus|330.|
|Watkins Robert.(cold)|E.183|
|Watts M C C.|337.|
|Webb [[Geo]]. W. Capt. F Judge|215.|
|Wells Randolph (cold)|[J].313.|
|Wentzell Benjamin|220.265.|
|West W. H.|334.|
|Wetherill Samuel|200.|
|White D.B.|121.|
|White [[Saml?]] C.|118.167.279.|
|White Guilford.(Private)|P.324.|
|White George L. C. [[2?]]M&c|L.33.73.77.a.214.x247.254|
|White [[Jhos?]].|D. 47|
|Whipple Geo. Prof|C.181.D.255.|
|Whitaker Wm C|136.|
|Whitecomb J. B. Suy.|B.214.244.|
|Whiting J K|185|
|Whittier Albion|75|
|Wilber Julia A.|344.|
|Wiley John|L.156|
|Wiley Rosetta.(Cold)|L.156|
|Wickman Wm  H|W.296|
|Wiggins William|A.252|
|Wilder C B. Capt_|2.7.2/23.40,1346,Y63,3/671,[[?]]72,79,81,82,86,H89,-2/95.99.117|
|[[J?]]||   |2/302.309.311.313.317.319.320.|
|Williams WB|170.192.|
|Williams Robt.(cold)|U.40|
|Williams Isaac|C.216.|
|Williams Joseph|330.|
|Williams Hezekiah|T.200|
|Williamson Everet.|147|
[[crossed-out]]Willis W R|237.[[/crossed-out]]|
|Wilson D B.|28.|

Transcription Notes:
Not a columned table