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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

|   |   |
|Wilson Samuel M|235.336.|
|Willis W R|190.237,|
|Winder L. Y.|T.63.148. Q.128.308.|
|Winder Sarah V|D.112.141.|
|Wise George D|N-159-|
|Wise John C-|152.N.159.229.330.|
|Wise Henry A.|H.152.J.229.|
|   |   |
|Woods George H.|305.|
|Woods H & Son|53.78.96.|
|Woods R. B.|u.208.236|
|Woods. W.E. M.D.|m.95.104.124|
|Woods William|3329.|
|Woodhull. Max A.A.G.|5.35.J.51.90.J.92.106.107.|
|   |   |
|Wright Wm. J.|N.35 D.68.|
|Wynne H. H.|104.218.|
|Wynne R. C.|329.|
|Wynne Thos. G.|329.|
|Wynne Wm B.|330.|

|   |   |
|Young W. W|143.|