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Wm. H. Stiner
Fort Monroe Va
Octo 17th 1865.


Rec'd. octo 24th 1865.
In relation to wood cut by Stiner & Whipple under a contract with the Treasury Dept. 
Fort Monroe Va Octo 17th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Capt. C.B. Wilder a.q.m. asst Supt. B.F. &. A.L. with the information that I received an order from Genl Ord in June last to take possession of the wood belonging to Stiner & Whipple as Gov't. property. and afterwards was directed by him to restore to Mr Stiner one half the wood holding Whipple's share as Gov't property. This wood has never been turned over to the Freedmens Bureau. and if any has been removed by you or is still being removed I respectfully request that you discontinue such removal until you have received proper authority.
(Sgd) Wm. L. James Col & A.Q.M. Dept. of Va.

C.B. Wilder
Capt & A.Q.M.
Fort Monroe Va
Oct 19th 1865.


Rec'd Octo 24th 1865.
Reports that he has made further inquiries about the wood claimed by Mr Stiner. The result of his investigations was that two thousand cords of wood was cut. and that one half only was given up to Mr. Stiner - "Mr. Stiner had promised to give me evidence as to the amount cut. copies of orders & amount or number of cords taken away. Failing to get this I called upon him again and received the enclosed statement with Col James endorsement. which was probably made without a knowledge of what Gen'l Ludlow had done" -.
Richmond Octo 24th 1865.
Respectfully returned. If the wood has not been turned over to the Bureau and is not reported on bureau papers it is not seen what claim the Bureau can make to it.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) H.B. Scott Lt. Col & Ins Gen'l
Ret'd Octo 24th 1865.

Albert Washington

See 1st V. 1866,} 
page 86}

Rec'd Back Oct 24th 1865.   F
Richmond Octo 24th 1865.
Respectfully returned with the information that Capt Martin was a commissary of Subsistence but is now mustered out of service.
(Sgd) H.S. Merrell Lieut & Supt &c


Richmond Va Octo 24th 1865.
Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Brig Gen'l E. W. Smith A.A.G.
Sgd O. Brown Col & Asst Com'r
Fow'd octo 25th 1865.

A. S. Flagg
Capt & A.Q.M. &c
Norfolk a
oct 7th 1865


Rec'd Back octo 25th 1865
Norfolk a octo 21st 1865
Respectfully returned to Maj Gen'l Terry commanding Dept of Va through Col. O. Brown asst com'r Bureau of R.F. & A.L Richmond Va. with copy of the order in question.
Sgd A. S. Flagg Capt & a.q.m. &c

Richmond Va octo 25th 1865.
Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Brig Gen'l Ed. W. Smith a.a.G.
(Sgd) O. Brown col & asst Com'r
Fow'd octo 25th 1865.

O. Brown
Col & asst com.
octo 19th 1865

Rec'd octo 25th 1865.
Transmits for approval triplicate copies of Vouchers for service performed by Jos Jorgenson a.a. Surgeon  Endorsed
Washington octo 21st 1865
Respectfully referred to Surgeon Horner Chief Medical Officer for examination.
By order Maj Genl Howard Com'r
(Sgd) Max Woodhull a.a.G.

Washington. octo 23rd 1865.
Respectfully returned to Col Max Woodhull a.a.G. with the recommendation that this Surgeon be called upon to take the oath indicated in the act of Congress of 2d of July 1862 as a condition to his being retained in the employ of the Bureau.
(Sgd) Caleb Horner Surg & Chf med officer

Washington octo 23rd 1865
Respectfully returned to Col O Brown asst comr &c Rich'd Va. whose attention is invited to the endorsement of the Medical Director hereon.
By order of Maj Gen'l Howard Com'r
Sgd Max Woodhull a.a.G.

Richmond Va octo 25th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Surg J. J. De Lamater with a copy 

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