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Executive Octo 23d 1865.

Respectfully referred to Maj Gen'l O.O. Howard Bureau Refugees &c.

By order of the President
(Sgd) R. Morrow Maj & A.A.G.

Washington Octo 26th 1865.

Respectfully referred to Colonel O. Brown Asst Com'r &c. for investigation and report.

By order of Maj Gen'l Howard
(Sgd) Max Woodhull A.A.G.

Richmond Va Octo 28th 1865

Respectfully referred to Capt S. Barnes AQM & Supt for investigation and report. Capt Barnes will not dispose of this wood until the result of this application is known.

By order of Col O. Brown
(Sgd) James. A. Bates A.A.A.G.

Fow'd Octo 28th 1865.

John A. Steachens
Richmond Va
Octo 28th 1865.

Rec'd Octo 28th 1865.

States that on 3d of May 1864 the Federal Army took possession of his farm. called "Point of Rocks" situated in Chesterfield Co Va.

States that a considerable number of buildings has been erected on his farm for Hospital purposes. that these buildings were constructed entirely out of his timber. that his outbuildings were destroyed amounting to ten. his furniture also. and in fact almost everything left on the farm, amounting to ten thousand dollars.

Asks that such buildings as are absolutely necessary to carry on farming operations. be turned over to him. and asks for timber sufficient to build a church of the same dimentions as that destroyed on his farm.


Richmond Va Oct 28th 1865.

Respectfully referred to Capt Barnes for investigation & report whether justice to Mr Strashan demands that those buildings be given up.

By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) James. A. Bates A.A.A.G

Fow'd Oct 29th 1865


Wm Bartlett
Fort Monroe
Sept 27th 1865.
see E.O.C.Ord Page 89

Rec'd Back Octo 28th 1865.


Richmond Oct 5th 1865.

Respectfully forwarded.

(Sgd) Alfred. H. Terry
Maj Gen'l Comdg

Phila Oct 7th 1865.

Respectfully forwarded to the Adjutant General.

(Sgd) Geo. G. Mead Maj Gen'l Comdg
A.G.O. Oct 11th 1865.

Respectfully referred to Major Gen'l O.O. Howard Commissioner &c &c.

(Sgd) W.A. Nichols asst adjt Gen'l

Washington Oct 12th 1865.

Respectfully referred to Maj Gen'l E.O.C.Ord Comd'g Dept of the Ohio for remarks.

(Sgd) O.O. Howard Maj Gen'l Commissioner
By Max Woodhull A.A.G.
In the absence of Gen'l Howard

Philada Octo 19th 1865.

Respectfully returned. When I left Ft Monroe the cases of Wilder and Bartlett had not been settled- and not being able to carry the books with me I left them in the Adj't Gen'ls Office at Fort Monroe for my successor as Judge Advocate in Bartletts case should it be tried.

I left the key with the clerk. and called Col Ord's attention to the fact. They will be found in the desk which slants against the Eastern Wall of the large room on the south of the A.G. Office unless the desk has been removed: on my arrival at Richmond I called Gen'l Ord's attention to the matter but the disposition of within case had then been determined.
(Sgd) S.S. Seward Bvt Col & A.A.G.

Detroit Octo 23d 1865.

All the Desks and contracts were left in the Department Adjt Gen'ls office at Fort Monroe as well as I remember when Gen'l Miles took possession of that office. and very probably are there yet- unless Post Qr Mr Livers has

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