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of Refugees &c and ordering him to report for duty with his regiment without delay.

Richmond Va Nov 11th 1865.
Respectfully forwarded to Lieut Mitchell thro' Lieut H.S. Merrell Supt &c.
By order of Col. O. Brown 
(Sgd) James A Bates a.a.a.G.
Fow'd Nov 11th 1865.

H.S. Merrell
Lieut & Supt
Richmond Va
Nov 7th 1865.

Rec'd Nov 9th 1865. 
Recommends transportation for Lucinda Bridges to Franklin Depot. on the Raleigh and Gaston R.R. 

Richmond Va Nov 11th 1865. 
Respectfully returned to Lieut Merrell for information as to the name of the State in which the "Franklin Depot" is situated. 
(Sgd.) O. Brown Col & asst com'r
Ret'd Nov 11th 1865. 

W.S. How
Capt & A.Q.M.
Nov 6th 1865.

Rec'd Nov 11th 1865.
Relating to Medicines and Medical treatment for the destitute freedmen of his district. 

Richmond Va Nov 11th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Surg DeLamater.
By the order of Col. O. Brown 
(Sgd.) James A. Bates a.a.a.G.
Fow'd Nov 11th 1865.

S.H. Birdsall
Asst Supt &c
Roanoke Island N.C.
Nov 3rd 1865.

Rec'd Nov 11th 1865. 
States that Maj Plato deposited fifty (50) dollars in some Express Office in this city of Richmond for Isaac Owens. and has not been sent forward to that place. 

Richmond Va Nov 11th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Lieut H.S. Merrell Supt &c for investigation.  
By order of Col. O. Brown 
(Sgd.) James A. Bates a.a.a.G.
Fow'd Nov 11th 1865.

Mrs. H.B. Magruder 
Washington D.C.
Nov 8th 1865.

Rec'd Nov 11th 1865.
Requests that the Bureau take some action to restore two children. James Green & Charlotte Green. to their mother Caroline Green.  Enclosing letters from Col 


Brown asst com'r, stating that transportation has been furnished to James Green. (3 Enclosures)

Washington Nov 9th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Colonel .O. Brown asst com'r &c. to know what has become of this boy. as he has not yet reached his friends in this city. Please return these papers.     
By order of Maj Gen'l Howard com'r
(Sgd.) Max Woodhull a.a.G. 

Richmond Va Nov 11th 1865
Respectfully returned with the following telegram from Capt Eastman at Wytheville.
"Wytheville Nov 8th 1865
To Col. O. Brown.
The Boy. James Green. left the place on the train going to Alexandria. three weeks ago last Sunday. that is as far as I can trace him. nothing heard of him since.    H.A. Eastman Capt &c "
Mrs Magruder has received this information.
(Sgd.) O. Brown  Col & Asst Com'r
Ret'd Nov 11th 1865.

Albion Whittier
Troy. Me.
Nov 2nd 1865.

Rec'd Nov 11th 1865.
States that he has a colored boy named Ferdinand Ryal living with him who was formerly owned by Walter. C. Caliver living in Franklin Co. Va. the boy wishes to obtain information of his mother Lonesa Ryal.

Washington Nov 9th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Colonel O. Brown Asst Com'r &c for investigation and report.
By order of Maj Gen'l Howard Commissioner
(Sgd) Max Woodhull A.A.G.

Richmond Va Nov 11th 1865
Respectfully referred to Capt Lacy for investigation and report.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) James. A. Bates A.A.A.G.
Fow'd Nov 11th 1865.

Geo. A. Hicks
Bvt Maj & A.A.G.
Charlottesville Va
Nov 5th 1865

Rec'd Nov 11th 1865.
States that he has been ordered to proceed to his place of residence and report by letter to the Adjt

Transcription Notes:
Under "Ret'd Nov 11th 1865" there is a checkmark. Not sure how to put that into the transcription. Friends is spelled wrong on top right section of right page.