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for issue to the troops in this Sub District. to which I issued about five hundred (500) rations daily. 
The issue to Freedmen was small that I did not make it a matter of Special estimate. not amounting to over 250 pounds of meat & about the same of Bread stuffs per month. I had usually estimated for the ten days at a time. but having been informed that commissary were to keep on hand thirty days rations, I estimated accordingly and from the fact that Capt Clark inquired of his superior whether he would send thirty or ten days rations as usual. This singular communication has been going about the Department.
(Sgd) Ja. McCarty Capt 96th N.Y.V. & A.C.S.

Warrenton Va Nov 6th 1865.
Respectfully returned attention called to endorsement of Capt McCarty A.C.S.
(Sgd) M.E. Orr. Capt & Asst Supt

Fredericksburg Va Nov 10th 1865
Respectfully forwarded with reference to endorsement of Capt. J. McCarty A.C.S. Sub Dist of Fauquier.
(Sgd) Daniel. W. Bohonon Capt & Supt

Richmond Va Nov 12th 1865.
Respectfully returned to Maj Gen'l O.O. Howard Comm'r &c inviting attention to endorsement of Capt McCarty
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Ret'd Nov 12th 1865.


H. Wood & Son
Atty's for Mary Ann Harris
Clarkesville Va
Oct 9th 1865.

Rec'd Back Nov 12th 1865.
Petersburg Va Nov 11th 1865
Respectfully referred to Dist Hd Qrs with reference to endorsement. The papers referred to are of great importance. I would respectfully request that careful inquiry and search be made.
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & A.Q.M. &c

Head Quarters Dist of the Nottoway
Petersburg Va 11th Nov, 1865.
Respectfully returned to Capt Barnes. with the information that a careful search has been made, the papers referred to are not at these H'd Qrs.


By Command of Maj Gen'l John Gibbon
(Sgd) Wm. H. Male A.A.A.G.

Petersburg Nov 11th 1865.
Respectfully returned with request that this be forwarded to Dept Hd Qrs with same intent.
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & A.Q.M. &c

Richmond Va Nov 12th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Dept Head Quarters.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
Fow'd Nov 12th 1865.

C.B. Wilder
Capt & A.Q.M.
Fort Monroe
Nov 6th 1865.

Rec'd Nov 11th 1865.
Asks if Thomas Nixon (colored) late Sergeant Co.F 1st U.S.C.Tps. enlisted in Washington D.C. 21st June 1863. and Wm Taylor Co.H. same Reg't, are entitled to Bounty retained under Gen'l order No. 90. Hd Qrs Dept of Va & N.C. series of 1864.

Richmond Va Nov 12th 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt C.B. Wilder A.Q.M. & Supt &c Their names do not appear -  No bounty was retained under Gen'l orders No.90. until August 1864.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) James. A. Bates A.A.A.G.
Ret'd Nov 12th 1865.

S.W. Marshall
Lieut & Asst Supt
Fort Monroe Va
Oct 7th 1865

Rec'd Nov 11th 1865.
Reports that In the channel of the Mattopony [[Mattoponi]] River at West Point. King William Co Va (near Glass Island) there is sunken a Light Ship with everything on board. stolen by the Rebels from Chesapeake Bay. also at the old wharf on Pamunkey River at West Point is sunken a copper Propellor [[Propeller]] Boiler, said to be very valuable. can be raised without much trouble. Light Ship is in about 15 feet of water and the Boiler in about 10 feet.

Fort Monroe Nov 9th 1865.
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown with the remark that from information rec'd (before the within information was requested) from others satisfied me that the within is true and the property very valuable. I should recommend it be looked after and secured for the benefit of the Bureau