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C.B. Wilder
Capt & AQM &c
Fort Monroe
Nov 16th 1865

Rec'd Nov 18th 1865
Thinks the interests of the Bureau require some special action in regards to a settlement of acc'ts with Mr Hunt. Arrangements being made with Capt Flagg. he would understand better how to close it up. 
Understands Mr H is about to remove to Florida.

Richmond Va Nov 18/65
Respectfully referred to Capt Flagg. In compliance with the within request Capt Flagg will assist Capt Wilder in the settlement of Mr Hunt's accounts.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) James A. Bates AAA.G
Fow'd Nov 19th 1865.

Martha Fitchitt
Warwick Co Va
see 1st V. 1866
Page 57}

Rec'd Nov 18th 1865
Application for restoration of two tracts of land situated in Warwick Co Va.

Fort Monroe Nov 16th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col O. Brown Asst Comr for further orders.
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt & A.Q.M. &c

Richmond Va Nov 18th 1865
Respectfully returned for Amnesty oath. also for evidence that the applicant is not embraced in any of the exceptions of the President's proclamation of May 29/65. 
By order of Col O. Brown
(Sgd) James A. Bates AAAG
Ret'd Nov 19th 1865.

Harriett. H. Hudgins

Rec'd Nov 18th 1865
Applies for restoration of Real and Personal property situated in Elizabeth City Co Va.

Fort Monroe Nov 15th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Col O Brown Asst Comm for directions &c.
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt & AQM &c

Richmond Va Nov 18th 1865.
Respectfully returned for copy of Amnesty oath and evidence that the applicant in not embraced in any of the exceptions of the President's proclamation of May 29th May 29th 1865.
By order of Col. O. Brown


(Sgd) James A. Bates AAAG

Fow'd Nov 19th 1865   
see 1st V.1866 page 127

D.B. White
Hampton Va
Nov 16th 1865

Rec'd Nov 19th 1865
Copy in full
Capt C.B. Wilder
Supt of Freedmen
I understand that the late slaves of James Powell and Lucrecia Powell, his wife, are to be turned off of their land for the purpose of turning over the same to R. A. Armstead as executor of the will of the late Lucretia Powell. I have in my office a duly certified copy of the will of the late James Powell bequeathing unto his servants, the present occupants the amount of nine hundred dollars, which money has never paid.

Lucretia Powell also made a will, which will is in the possession of R.A. Armstead, which will the said R.A. Armstead has refused to produce upon the order of Capt Flagg demanding the same, though the Armistead replies to the demand in a letter acknowledging that in the will of the said Lucretia Powell the servants referred to above are left a house and lot in the Town of Hampton and two hundred dollars in money

None of this money has been paid and I am surprised that your Bureau should order these servants to leave their land without even requiring the said Armistead to produce the will bearing upon the case.

Besides, this case has been duly tried before the Provost Court at Fort Monroe which Court after hearing all the evidence decided that said servants were the legal owners of the said land.

You will recollect that Provost Court was the only legal tribunal before which a case in which a negro was interested could be tried, and I hope that wills, legal documents and decisions of U.S. Courts in favor of the negro will not be set aside by the Freedmens Bureau without at least giving the Freedmen an opportunity of stating his case before you. The papers referred, will be produced if you so desire.

I have the honor to be, Sir,
Very Respectfully Your Obd't Servant
(Sgd) D.B. White