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the Dep't made the seizure - Viz Treasury.
(Sgd) Wm H. Male Bvt Maj A.D.C. & A.A.A.G.

Petersburg Nov 8th 1865.
Respectfully returned. No information can be gained of this man or transaction.
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & A.Q.M &c

H.A. Eastman
Capt & Supt
Wytheville Va
Oct 22d 1865

Rec'd Back Nov - 1865
Wytheville Va Nov 3d 1865.
The first party entered in this application is a colored woman (loyal) and a Refugee from New Market Tenn. is at present self supporting but not able to pay her way to that place. The second party is a colored woman that was brought here before the war. by her master. from Washington D.C. and was left here by him and wants to get back.
(Sgd) H.A. Eastman Capt & Sup &c

Wm. R Vaughan
Hampton Va
Nov 3d 1865.

Rec'd Back Nov 11th 1865.
Fort Monroe Va Nov 9th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col O.Brown asst comr &c. with the remark that I have not received fifteen ($15.00) dollars for a canoe. that I have made no arrangements to have shingles cut from Mr Smiths land. receiving myself one third of them. and that I do not allow the freedmen to cut wood from Mr Winder's farm. Except to get enough of the old down wood for their own use - until their lease is up. I also ask your attention to my answer to your communication of the 23d of Oct. dated I think the 27th or 28th Oct.
I would also respectfully ask if there is any order giving to returned rebels, the control of their former property. before it is lawfully restored to them.
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt & AQM &c
Filed. see letter of Nov 12th 1865.

T Brodowski
Richmond Va
Nov 14th 1865.

Rec'd Back Nov 20th 1865.
Richmond Va Nov 20th 1865
Respectfully returned to Col O. Brown Asst Com'r with report called for.
(Sgd) H.S. Merrell Lieut & Supt

Richmond Va Nov 20th 1865
Respectfully returned to Maj Genl Terry with report called for.
(Sgd) O.Brown Col & Asst Comr
Fow'd Nov 20th 1865.

Wm Brown
T.S.R. Baker
Hampton Va
Nov 16th 1865

Recd Nov 20th 1865.
Forwards Preamble and Resolutions of a Meeting of Colored Citizens, held in 1st Baptist Church at Hampton Va.
Richmond Va Nov 20th 1865
Respectfully forwarded to Brevet Brig Gen'l Ed W Smith A.A.G. requesting that a board of three officers be appointed for the purpose of ascertaining whether the rents charged by the Bureau are unreasonable. or appressive [[oppressive]].
(Sgd) O.Brown Col & Asst Comr
Fow'd Nov 20th 1865.

R.S. Lacy
Capt & AQM
Nov 16th 1865

Rec'd Nov 20th 1865.
States that "in Bedford County four freedmen have been arrested for larceny by a warrant of a Justice of the peace and committed to Jail to be tried by civil court. Value of property stolen sufficient for twelve (12) months in penitentiary, Civil Authorities claim right of trial as negro testimony will be admitted. The matter is referred to me for decision, shall I permit trial? So great is the amount of crime, especially petty larceny, in Bedford County that it seems advisable to invite all authorities Civil and Military to aid in suppressing. The matter is referred to you in consequence of opinion of Military Authorities here that they alone have power to ask."   
Richmond Va Nov 20th 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt Lacy who will allow these prisoners to be tried by the Civil Court, if said court will receive the testimony of Freedmen, and hear the criminals in all respects as if white.
This permission will not be construed as giving the right in any case to inflict corporal punishment upon the Freedmen as a penalty for crime.
By order of Col O. Brown
(Sgd) James A Bates AAAG
Ret'd Nov 20th 1865.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-28 16:35:47 This is not a table. Also there is no need to indicate underlining or clarify meaning of abbreviations if not misspelled (see TIPS)