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(Sgd) Jno. S. Kline Lieut. & Asst Supt

Peterburg Nov 25th 1865.
Respectfully forwarded. Approved.
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & AQM &c

(Sgd) J.J. DeLamater Surg USV Chf Med Off Bureau State Va

Bureau Refugees Freedmen & A. Lands Va
Richmond Va Nov 28th 1865
Respectfully forwarded for Col Brown's approval recommendation that after approved it come back to my office. to go with the other approved accounts which will be properly presented for payment.
(Sgd) J.J. DeLamater Surg & Chf Med Off Bu Sta Va

Richmond Va Nov 29th 1865.
Respty returned to Surg DeLamater. disapproved. asking him by whose authority Lt Kline ordered Dr Parker to attend to the within mentioned Freedmen, and if the charges are not exorbitant. Also informing Surg DeLamater that no bills for Medical Services should be contracted except by his authority.
By order of Col O Brown Asst Comr
(Sgd) Geo. Q. White Capt CQM &c

Richmond Va Nov 30th 1865
Respectfully returned to Col Brown Asst 
Commissioner Bureau R.F.& A. Lands State of Va. with the report following, Viz:
I know of no authority by which the orders were given- I have never given such authority to any person.

I also think as I have before stated in regard to this bill that the charges are unreasonable- Nor do I think it safe to establish any rule by which employment, not authorized by this office, may be given to local Physicians who have no contracts. If such a system should obtain the extent of this District would be sure to make such charges larger than the amount paid to Officers under contracts. If Officers of the Bureau through the District are authorized to supply Physicians, not under contract, without the knowledge of the Chief Med Officer of the Bureau no estimate can at any time be made of the expenses of the Med Department- Understanding that it was the policy



of the Bureau to give such discretion to its agents (from several different sources) at the time I entered upon duty  I have, of course not interfered with it- although not approving of it- and I have expressed my objection in all cases to the rate of charges.  I shall now issue an order, as a matter of absolute necessity for the protection of the interests of the Bureau, that no bill will be paid unless authorized at this office. Please return the papers through the proper course.
(Sgfd) J J De Lamater Surg &c Chf Med Off &c

Richmond Va Nov 39th 1865
Respectfully returned to Capt Stuart Barnes.
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) James A. Bates AAAG
Ret'd Nov 30th 1865.

Munford Harrison
Nov 28th 1865.


Rec'd Nov 30th 1865.
Applies for one of the Wards at Chimborazo. Wishes to take it down and build a house in which he wishes to establish a grocery.

Richmond Va Nov 30th 1865
Respectfully referred to Lt H.S. Merrell
By order of Col. O. Brown
(Sgd) James A Bates Capt & AAAG
Fowd Dec 1st 1865

A.B. Kinnay
A.A. Surg
Yorktown Va
Nov 28th 1865

Rec'd Dec 1st 1865
States that 22 U.S. Soldiers stationed at Yorktown have no Surgeon, and wish him to treat their sick, and asks for instructions, and to be furnished with blanks for making out reports, if allowed to treat there
Richmond Va Nov 30th 1865
Respectfully referred to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r. Are these soldiers on duty with Bureau.
(Sgd) J.J. DeLamater Surg & Chf Med Off

Richmond Va Dec 1st 1865
Respectfully returned to Surg De Lamater. Let the Medical Officer treat these soldiers.
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A Bates A.A.A.G.
Ret'd Dec 1st 1865

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-29 20:04:52