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been issued from time to time conflicting with the interests of Mr Brinkley which have been executed by the officers of the Military arm of the service,
I do not doubt from what I know of the matter. that Mr Brinkley has suffered great pecuniary loss by the interference complained of. Orders have been issued to protect the crops and stock of Mr Brinkley. but it is too late to save him from loss as it has already been experience, 
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. &c.

James. A. Bates 
Capt & AAAG
Nov 17th 1865.

Rec'd Nov - 1865.
Requesting Capt. Flagg to reserve some House that will be least likely to be restored, for Teachers in case the one now occupied be given up,

Norfolk Va Nov 20th 1865
Respectfully referred to Mr C. E. Johnston to be attended to if any such house is in his possession.
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt &c

Norfolk Va Nov 20th 1865
Respectfully returned. I know of no houses that are not likely to be returned to their owner at any moment.
(Sgd) Charles. E. Johnston Asst Supt

Norfolk Va Nov 24th 1865
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr Bureau R.F. &. A.L. Richmond Va. with attention invited to the endorsement of Mr Johnston Asst Supt &c.
(Sgd) A. S. Flagg Capt & A.Q.M. &c

James. A. Bates 
Capt & AAAG
Richmond Va
Nov 22d 1865

Rec'd Nov 24th 1865.
Enclosing copy of letter dated 22d Sept in relation to Frank Martin (col'd), and calling for report, as to what action has been taken in the case.

Gordonsville Va Nov 23d 1865
Respectfully returned with the information that the paper referred to was sent to Lieut Burke Asst Supt at Bowling Green Va. No report has been made to this office. The attention of Lieut Burke has again been called to this matter. 
(Sgd) T. F. P. Crandon Capt & Supt


Congregation of Rev Wm Lewis
Norfolk Va
Nov 15th 1865
P. 155.

Rec'd Back Nov 30th 1865

Washington Nov 28th 1865,
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r &c 
This is a matter that must be decided in Va, as it is not of sufficient general importance to be forwarded to the War Dept. 
By order of Maj Gen'l Howard Comr
(Sgd) Max Woodhull A.A.G.
James A. Bates A.A.A.G.

James. A. Bates
Capt & AAAG
Richmond Va
Nov 6th 1865

Rec'd Nov 24th 1865.
Enclosing a list of names of persons present at a meeting held at Lawrenceville C.H. Brunswick Co. on the 31st day of May 1865. to regulate the employment of Freedmen in their midst.
Requesting investigation and report. whether any change has taken place in the feelings of these people,

Petersburg Nov 9th 1865
Respectfully referred to Capt Bernard Mercer Asst Supt Brunswick Co who will report hereon in accordance with letter of Col Brown.
(Sgd) Stuart Barnes Capt & A.Q.M &c

Lawrenceville Va Nov 19th 1865
Respectfully returned - I have visited the different plantations of Brunswick Co Va. have had conversation with the most respectable farmers, and think them willing to pay their laborers just compensation for next year, and the closing year.
It don't seem to me, there is any standard of prices fixed for colored laborers. I also submit the report of the secretary of the meeting - with full proceedings of same.
(Sgd) Bernard Mercer Capt & Asst Supt

Petersburg Va Nov 22d 1865.
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr &c attention invited to reports enclosed.
Brunswick Co has been inspected personally by Supt' Dist'. who is of opinion that the farmers are disposed to pay fair wages for labor.
Mr Hicks the Sec' is one of Freedmens Court recently

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-03-30 10:31:17