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procure a copy and send to Col Brown.
Those who take the proper course to receive attentions, I am sure receive them promptly.
(Sgd) J. J. DeLamater Surg & Chf Med Off

Richmond Va Jan 15th 1866
Respectfully referred to Rev Mr Stockwell for the information of the Teachers in his family.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG

Bryan John. R.
Richmond Va
Jan 11th 1866

L.R. B.93.  Prays rendition to owners of Howard Grove Hosp'l and all buildings connected therewith, so soon as vacated by U.S. Troops, &c &c

Lt H.S. Merrell
page 53
Head Qrs Dist of Henrico
Richmond Va Jan 12th 1866
Respectfully referred to Col O Brown Supt Bureau of R.F. & A.L. this property having been ordered turned over to Lieut H. S. Merrell Asst Supt when vacated.
By command of Bvt Maj Gen'l Turner
(Sgd) P. A. Davis AAG

Richmond Va Jan 15th 1866
Respectfully referred to Lt H. S. Merrell who will report whether the Barracks herein named are required for the use of the freedmen.
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates AAAG

Warren M. D.
Edenton N.C.
Jan 5th 1866

L.R. W.134. Applies for restoration of his farm situated near Williamsburg Va. &c &c

Richmond Va Jan 15th 1866
Respectfully returned to Mr Warren. It will be necessary to file the following papers with the application, 1st Proof of title. 2d Copy of Pardon certified to by a N.P. 3d Evidence that the property has not been libeled in the U.S. District Court for confiscation.
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates AAAG


Hubbard Chas. W.
Williamsburg Va
Jan 12th 1866

L.R. H.50.  Relative to procuring labor. Asks for some plan to scatter the labor through the country, which now is squatted in villages on the large Estates. &c &c &c

C.B. Wilder
Capt & AQM

Richmond Va Jan 15th 1866
Respectfully referred to Capt C. B. Wilder who will confer with the citizens of James City County as soon as possible on this matter. Mr. Hubbard has been informed of this reference.
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
see L.B. 3d V. 79

Smith Wm. T.
Elizabeth City Co
Jan 4th 1866
L.R. S.25.  Requests an order be issued for the removal of two families of freedmen from his yard. &c &c.

C. B. Wilder
Capt & AQM
Richmond Va Jan 15th 1866
Respectfully referred to Capt C. B. Wilder for investigation and action.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
Rec'd Back & Filed.

Johnson James
Maj & Supt 
Jan 15th 1866

Virginia Dept of 

L.R. J.42.  Forwards charges & Specifications preferred vs Capt O. B. Colvin 96th N.Y. Vols
(1 Enclosure)

Richmond Va Jan 16th 1866
Respectfully forwarded to Bvt Brig Genl Ed. W. Smith A.A.G.
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
James A. Bates AAAG

Cocke Miss A. T.
Portsmouth Va
Oct 30th 1865
see 3d Vol. 1865 page 70)

Rec'd Back Jan 16th 1866  Continuation of Endorsements on letters relative to property of Miss A. T. Cocke situated in city of Portsmouth Va,

Emmerson John
see 3d Vol. 1865 page 304.}
Norfolk Va Jan 9th 1866
Respectfully returned. I send herewith the original application of Mr Emmerson together with the endorsement thereon. From these it will be seen that this matter has been fully investigated and reported on. In reply to my report dated Nov 4th 1865, I was directed by the endorsement of the Asst Commissioner to notify the parties to make application for the property as directed in Genl order No. 19. - I have done this and as will be seen from the statement of Mr Bond, herewith enclosed. My notice was treated disrespectfully.
I respectfully submit that these parties have abused the lenity of the Bureau, and should be compelled to pay all rents now accruing.
(Sgd) Charles, E, Johnston Asst Supt

Transcription Notes:
Do not mark for review if more than two questionable words as per transcription directions. The surgeon's name is De Lamater (the L and S can look similar) ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-05 18:21:34 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-05 19:24:06 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-06 09:10:08 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-06 09:35:34 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-06 10:49:11