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being no authority for thus hiring them out, it is a question for the court to decide whether the contracts were not made under coercion. If so, they cannot be considered valid.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
 [left margin] R S Lacy Capt + Ag M+C
J.R. McCully [[ ]]
Endorsement on Statement of J.R. McCully "jailor" dated [[ ]] Va Jan 21st 1866 (M.100) of [[ ]] of monies claimed for attention to prisoners committed to jail by Freedmens Court with cost of fuel furnished [[ ]], Richmond Va Jan 25th/66 respty returned to Capt Sacy Agm + Supt 7th Dist Va who will make the same requisitions for rations and fuel for prisoners at Dauville as at Lynchburg. The enclosed bill will be estimated for the same as other [[ ]]. No information intended for these Headquarters will hereafter be deemed official unless addressed to the Asst Com.
By order of Col O. Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
[left margin] L.S.Merrell St+ Supt
Albut Washington
William Made (cold)
Jack Davenport
[[ ]] Simons 
Virginia Dept of 
[[ ]] of endorsements on certificate of Albert Washington that the following named men were hired by Capt Martin at $25. per month and that they worked one month.  Viz William Meade. Jack Davenport. and council = Simons. (Cold) 
Respectfully returned to Col O. Brown Asst Com +C
whose attention is invited to the previous endorse ments of [[ ]] Maj Gilman + Martin from which it appears that these men are not entitled to pay under their contract.
By command of Maj Genr Terry (Sgt) Ed. W. Smith AAG
Richmond Va Jan 26th/66 respectfully returned to Liuet H.S.  Merrrell Supt 30th
Dist Va. whose attention is invited to the endorsements of Bob Major's Martin + Gilman and Bob [[ ]] Ed H Smith A.A.G. Dept of Va
By order of Col. O. Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
see 3rd Vol 1865 pages 1+2.
[left margin] Virginia Dept of Stuart Barnes Capt Agm+c
Endorsement on papers of Capt Stuart Barnes Agm+Supt (B.129) forwarding charges and [[ ]] against the following named parties. Viz.
Bill Hall alias Anderson (Cold) Richard Gaines and Washington Gaines (cold)  (3 enclosures)
Richmond Va Jan 26th 1866
Respectfully forwarded to Bob Brig Genrl Ed W Smith A.A.G. Dept of Va.(Sgt) O. Brown Col + Asst Com Official
James A. Bates aag
[left margin] James Johnson Maj + Supt
W.A. Macnully St + Asst Supt
Continuation of endorsements on letter of Liut W.A. Macnully Asst Supt + C dated Warrenton Va Jan 16th/66 ( enclosing Ration Returns for freedmen. States as Liuet Bowder moves his stores away from here today, I suppose I will have to draw my subsistence from Alexandrian,
Richmond Va Jan 21st/66 resplt returned on the communication alluded to. I endorsed the directions for obtaining rations direct to the C.S. as Charlottesville from which place the rations. I hope will at once be forwarded.
(Sgt) WN Fell Bot Maj + C.S.V.
Richmond Va Jan 26th/66 respty returned to Maj James Johnson V.R.L. Supt 10 Va Dist Attention invited to the endorsement of Bob Maj Fell C.S. 
By order of Col O Brown 
James A. Bates aaag
The first Endorsement [[ ]] a mere reference was not entered  in this book
[[ left margin] W.N. Fell Bob Maj B.[[ ]] Fell