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138   139

R S Lacy 
Capt A.Q.M.

Endorsement on letter of Capt. R S Lacy AQM &c dated Lynchburg VA Jan 30"/66 (L. 40) relative to whether recent orders effect his amount of transportation on hand, (referred to Col James by Capt White)

Richmond Va Feb 7/66
Respectfully returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r &c with the information that if the Bureau absolutely requires this transportation it will be allowed.
I have written to the Qr Mr Genl for permission to authorize the A.Q.M's on duty in the Bureau to purchase Forage in their respective Districts, and until an answer is received they will be supplied from this Dept
(Sgd) Wm L. James Col & Chf Qr Mr Dept VA

Richmond Va Feb 9"/66
Resp'y returned to Capt R. S. Lacy Supt 7th Dist Va who will retain the transportation.
By order of Col O Brown
James A Bates AAAG

H.S Merrell Lieut & Supt

Endorsement on letter of letter of Lieut H.S Merrell. Supt &c (M. 130) requesting authority to purchase such amount of wood as may be required in his District until that at Point of Rocks can be transported,

Richmond Va Feb 9"/66
Respty returned to Lieut H.S. Merrell. The purchase of the necessary wood is approved.
Lt M will however use his best endeavors to get the wood from Point of Rocks as soon as possible.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG 

War Dept Bureau &c
J.A. Buchanan
Thomas Tinsley
Alex Tinsley

Continuation of Endorsements on letter of James. A. Buchanan relative to rents Thomas & Alexander Tinsley for use of their property &c &c (B. 76)
Yorktown Va Feb 4"/66

Respty returned with information that I have this day completed arrangements with the Messers Tinsley which meets their entire satisfaction, allowing these uncollected rents from the 22nd of July 1865. In regard to the within charges, the former "asst supt" at this place informs one that there was a mutual understanding between him and the Messers Tinsley that both parties were to go on and collect rent and make a fair and equitable division hereafter, and that he had no idea of defrauding them in their just dues.
The arrangement previously referred to however they expressed their unqualified approbation too, and deem the matter equitable adjusted.
(Sgd) F.J. Massey Lt & Asst Supt

Fort Monroe Va Feb 7"/66
Resp'y returned to Col O Brown Asst Comr &c asking attention to the report of Lieut Massey Asst Supt &c gathered with special care & inquiry of Messers Tinsley & from Mr Churchill & Maj Stickney believing it to be only another proof of the fairness of Mr.Churchills conduct & the benefit of a fair investigation as a better basis of action than suuch misrepresentation, generally concocted under the influence of Whiskey.
(Sgd) C.B. Wilder Capt AQM &c

Lieut & asst supt

Richmond Va Feb 9"/66
Respty returned to Maj Genl Howard Comr &c attention invited to the endorsement of Lieut Massey and Capt Wilder
Official (Sgd) O. Brown Col & Asst Comr
James A. Bates AAAG
see page 4.

War Dept Bureau &c
SS. Carroll USA   
A.W.Sheldon Capt & C.S.V. 

Endorsement on letter of S.S Carroll U.S.A dated Balto M'd Feb 6"/66 (C. 133) recommends for position Capt A W Sheldon C.S at Charlottesville Va

Richmond Va Feb 9"/66
Respty returned to Maj Genl Howard Com'r &c attention invited to letter of this date, asking for more officers.   
(Sgd) O. Brown Col & asst Comr
James A. Bates AAAG 


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-08 21:11:48