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T.F.P. Crandon
Capt aqm &c 
William Wickham 
Dr. Chas. Carter
O.D. Harris 

Endorsement on letter of William Wickham (to Dr Chas Carter) dated near Hanover Co Ho Va Feby 1st 1866 (W. 241) refutes charges against Allen preferred by O.D. Harris. giving Harris' motives for so doing. recommends investigation.

Washington Feby 14th 1866
Respty referred to Col. O. Brown A.C. for thorough investigation and report as requested by Mr Wickham
If necessary Col Brown will please send an Inspecting Officer into Hanover County.
Col Brown's attention is also invited to so much of the letter as refers to the support of the people dependent on Mrs Curtis Estate. 
These papers to be returned 
By order of Maj Gen'l Howard 
(Sgd.) Max Woodhull AAG

Richmond Va Feby 16th/66
Respty referred to Capt T.F.P. Crandon Supt 4th Dist Va for thorough investigation and report.
By order of Col O Brown 
James A. Bates aaag

H.S. Merrell
Lieut & Supt
J.J. DeLamater

Continuation of Endorsements on letter of Surg J.J. DeLamater C.M.O. (D.33) relative to cutting of Telegraph poles at Camp Chimborazo. 

Richmond Va Feby 16th/66
Respty returned. I twice received information from the office of the Mil Tel Co ~ The operator at the office states that a number of poles were cut down at that camp ~ replaced by the compy and again cut down the next night. I Know that it interrupted communications. for it much delayed a dispatch I was anxious to send. The operator at the office reported the fact to my clerk. sent there with a dispatch as a reason why it could not be promptly sent.
(Sgd) J.J. DeLamater Surg & C.M.O.

Richmond Va Feby 16th/66
Respty returned to Lieut H.S. Merrell Supt 3d Dist 


whose attention is invited to the endorsement of Surg DeLamater C.M.O.  
By order of Col. O. Brown Asst Com'r 
James A. Bates AAAG
see page 159.

W.W. Campbell

Contiinuation of Endorsements on letter of W.W. Campbell teacher of Freedmen dated Newbern N.C. Jan 27th/66. (C.111) relative to these cold children (named Spicer) who were sold to a man in Richmond in 1863.

Richmond Va Feby 14th/66
Respty returned to Lieut H. S. Merrell with the information that search has been made in the schools in this city and notices read in the various churches inquiring after the within named children, but no trace has been found of them.
(Sgd) E.B. Townsend Lt & Asst Supt

Richmond Va Feby 16th/66
Respectfully returned to W.W. Campbell Newbern N.C. These children are not to be found in Richmond.
By order of Col O Brown
James A. Bates AAAG
The first endorsement being a mere reference was not recorded in this Book

F.A. Page
Lieut & Asst Supt
Sully Bill
J.M. Harris

Continuation of Endorsements on letter of Lieut F.A. Page Asst Supt dated Powhattan C.H. Feby 5th/66 (P.33) stating that Sully Bill (Cold) charged with assaulting J.M. Harris is living Cor 5th & Main Sts Richmond Va. ~ requests that he be arrested and lodged in Jail. and he (Page) informed of the fact.

Richmond Va Feby 16th/66 
Respty returned to Col. O. Brown Asst Comr with the information that thorough search has been made and that the within named man cannot be found.
(Sgd) H.S. Merrell Lieut & Supt

Transcription Notes:
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