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on the Poor farm continues very satisfactory and the same may be said of the county at large; cases of small pox (invariably brought from the city) have been isolated, and in no locality has the disease become epidemic. 

In the material prosperity of the Freedmen and their relations to the white citizens I am compelled to report that the condition of affairs have not improved - Much of the labor of Freedmen, on their own account, is injudiciously expended and great destitution exists among those settled in swamps and woods: tempted to do so by the supposed advantage of not paying rent for one, two or three years 

Theft instead of decreasing is, I regret to say, on the increase, and as it is mostly confined to stealing hogs, cattle, poultry, corn or potatoes, it is evident that food and not money is the object, and in the absence of local police, detection is rare 

No trials of colored persons has yet been had by the county magistrates, but several Freedmen await trial on the first Monday in May - full reports of which trials will be forwarded in course. 

At the May court the county levy will be assessed and I shall immediately thereafter forward full statement of the same showing the scale adopted under the new law taxing all persons without distinction of color 

The operation of circular order No. 11. Mch 19/66 relating to the registration and marriage of Freedmen appears to be favorable and I have made satisfactory progress in the registration as ordered and I have held meetings of Freedmen at various central points for the purpose of reading and explaining to them, the law and its advantages. Many however wish to avoid the responsibilities of actual marriage and I would respectfully urge that the penalty be inflicted upon such as persist in living together in defiance of such reasonable regulations or ordinary morality

I regret to report that my efforts to induce the Freedmen to abandon the constant carrying of arms, openly and concealed have not been successful  While I have informed them that the U.S. laws give to them the [[unwanted?]] privilege of keeping arms, abuse of this privilege will certainly invoke their disarmament at the not distant day when State and County authorities resume full control -                

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-05-07 14:46:31