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MONTHLY REPORT of Major James Johnson V.R.C., Superintendent [[strikethrough]] Assistant Commissioner [[/strikethrough) of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, for the 10th District State of Virginia of Abandoned or Confiscated Lands in his possession in the 10th District State of Virginia, during the month ending 30th June - , 1866.

[[14 Columned Table]]
| Names of Former Owner. | Location. County or Parish. | Location. Other Boundaries. | Alterations Since Last Report. Gained. Date. | Alterations Since Last Report. Gained. How. | Alterations Since Last Report. Lost. Date. | Alterations Since Last Report. Lost. How. | How Held, (Abandoned or Confiscated.) | Description. Cultivated. | Description. Acres Uncultivated. Acres Woodland. | Description. Acres Uncultivated. Acres cleared. | Description. Total No. Acres. | Description. Buildings. | Remarks. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| Berkley, Edmund. | Prince William County | Bounded North by land of Norbern Berkley, Baily & Ewell. East by by land of Geo Norris & Mrs Gallagher - south by lands of Pratt & Folley, West by line of Fauguier County. |   |   |   |   | Confiscated | 90 | 810 | 900 | 1800 | One two story house & barn | Edmund Berkley lives on the place. |
| Berkley, Wm. N. | Prince William County | North by land of J L Oden and Skinner heirs on the Caroline road, East by the old Caroline road. south by land of R. Rose. West by Bull Run Mountains. |   |   |   |   | Confiscated | 25 | 225 | 250 | 500 | One dwelling house | Mr Harrison lives on the place | 
| Berkley, Norbern, | Prince William County | North by Enfields land. East by lands of Rose, Ewell & Berkley South by land of Edmund Berkley. |   |   |   |   | Confiscated |   | 200 |   | 200 | None |   |  
| Hunton, Eppa. | Prince William County | North by road leaving from Brentsville to Bristow Station, South East & West. by land of A. Nicol, W. W. Davis & R. Lovelace. |   |   |   |   | Confiscated |   |   | 40 | 40 | None |   |
| Hunton, Eppa, | Prince William County | North by County road, south by Thornton land, East by Hornbeckers land. West by Davis land. |   |   |   |   | Confiscated |   |   | 4 | 4 | One nearly destroyed | Not occupied. | 
| King, John A. | Prince William County | In the Village of Occaquan the corner of Union & Mills streets running 100 feet on Union Street and 16 feet on Mills street. |   |   |   |   | Confiscated |   |   |   |   | One two story building in a damaged condition |   |  
| Oden, James S. | Prince William County | West by land of W. Berkley Est by land of W Hutchinson North by land of Rinders, south by land of P Poland & Smith. |   |   |   |   | Confiscated |   | 50 | 250 | 300 | One building | Not occupied. |  
| Wrae, A. D. | Prince William County | East by Cherry Hill Farm, South by land of Chamberlain, West by land of Thayer. |   |   |   |   | Confiscated |   | 40 | 40 | None. |   |

NOTES.-1. In the column of Remarks will be stated the number of Refugees or Freedmen on each farm or tract of land, how they are employed, and whether they are self-supporting; also such other facts in relation to farms as may be of interest.
2. If more than one blank is necessary in making this Report, they will be attached together by proper fasteners on the left-hand margin, as indicated by the * * *.
3. The back of the Reports may be used for Remarks, in addition to the proper column on the face.

Station: Fredericksburg Virginia
Date: June 30th 1866.

James Johnson
Major V.R.C.
[[strikethrough]] Assistant Commissioner. [[/strikethrough]]
Supt 10th Va District,
Bureau R.F. & A.L. 

Transcription Notes:
Under location commentary is in order of owner list in first column) --------------------------------- Before you go any farther, please read TC instructions on table formatting. This is not being transcribed properly. 5/19 - this has not been fully transcribed and formatted per instructions - pls review