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L.B. Vol. 2. P. 105.

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters, Superintendent Fifth District, Va.
Fort Monroe, Va. Aug 27

Bvt Brig Gen O Brown


I have the honor to forward herewith list of lands charged against this office at the office of the Asst Comr with an account of each tract as required in your letter of July 31st 1866; - see column of remarks.

I respectfully recommend that the farm of W.C. Curtis in Warwick Co be dropped as it has been purchased by the "Lincoln Land Association" (colored) of which Rev William Thornton (Cold) is president.

In the above mentioned letter it is stated that the "Chesapeake Hospital" was "never on any previous report made by you or the Supt who preceded you to this office".

I beg leave to state that this building was duly reported in the land returns from this office of September October and November 1865 and thereafter