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Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Office Sup't Dist Nottoway 
Petersburg Va Aug 10th 1865

Respectfully referred to Col O. Brown Ass't Commr &c. 
The investigation goes to show that the Mill was being removed to prevent its falling into our hands; but that on the approach of our armies, it was abandoned, and left in the field, from whence it was removed, to its present position; that is what remained of the original Mill, (to wit) the main shaft, is now all that belonged to Mr Akin, which of course cannot be dispersed with. 

Stuart Barnes
Capt and A.Q.M
Sup't District

EB. PPg 31-  

Lieut. Francis, Supt Saw Mill

August of 1865

Transmits report in relation to Saw Mill claimed by Mr Akin.

Rec'd Aug 18th 1865
L.R. "L"