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Roseland, near Fortress Monroe,Octo 11, 1865

Colo: Brown
Comm'r Freedmen's Affairs,
State of Virginia 

I beg to hand your the papers herein and to ask an early decision. 
Mr Anderson has been, until recently, in possession of his property
under a deed of the U.S. District Court for E. Virginia. I am not
aware by what law the Freedman's Bureau has gained possession.

Capt. Wilder promised me a few days since to give Mr Anderson permission immediately on his filing disputation. The petition was filed,
and yet permission is not given, Capt. W. alleging that he must refer the matter to you. A case so plain needs no reference and here
I have to ask that you will enclose to me a direct order in the premises. The people here cannot stand the delay and the other annoyances 


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-04 12:46:27 Fortress Monroe