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United States of America
United States District Court District Virginia
Clerks Office Ss

This is to certify that I have examined and inspected the records and files in this office and that the only property I find libelled for Confiscation as the property of Robert Archer, or Robert Archer Aaron Jeffery is the following

United States V. 
All the right title interest and Estate of Robert Archer in and to all that certain piece an parcel of land in the City of Norfolk District of Virginia [[?]] a vacant lot on the North side of Nede Water Street near City.
No trial or decree as yet

United States V.
All the right title interest and Estate or Robert Archer in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land in the City of Norfolk District of Virginia as follows a vacant lot situate in the Southside of Nede Water Street in said City extending to the Party Warens line
No trial or decree as yet