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L.S. Page 186

Baker. Richard
(L.S. Page 222) 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & Aband' Lands

Richmond Va,. Octo 20th 1865. 

Respectfully forwarded to Maj. Gen'l Howard for instructions. 
This property has already been restored subject to the lease which was made on the 1st Sept. 
- Does the want of a stamp on a lease made by an agent of the Gov't invalidate the lease? And is a lease entered into in good faith on the 1st inst. although possession is not to be given until the 20th made null and void by an order from Bureau Head Quarters of the 12th inst restoring the property? 
I am desirous of restoring this property to Judge Baker if it can be done without subjecting the Bureau to a lawsuit - 
O Brown 
Col & Asst Commissioner


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