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He forwards herewith Proof of title and certificate from Clerk of Dist Court. This property was turned over to the Bureau by an order from War Dept approved by the President.

It is rented to Maj McKenny formerly Pay Master U.S.A. The statement within that the lease was dated Sept. 20th is not correct. It dated Sept 1st. 

Charles E. Johnston
Asst Supt

See P 123

Office Supt R.F & A.L.
1st Dist of Va
Norfolk Va Oct 18th 1865

Respectfully forwarded to Col O Brown Asst. Commr. B. of R.F & A.L. Richmond.

A.S. Flagg
Capt and AQM. and Supt &c

R.S.O. 10.17.65. Fd. 10.18.65.