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In the name of God Amen 
I Richard Booker of Elizabeth City County do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as follows:

Item 1. It is my wish that all my just Debts be punctually paid as soon as my Executive can find it convenient.

2. I give unto my beloved wife Elizabeth all my Estate, both real and personal, for the support and maintenance of herself and children, namely: George, John, Eliza, Emily, Jane and Virginia, during her widowhood only. In case my wife should marry it is my wish she should have one third of my Estate. It is my wish that my wife should have the privilege of loaning to the children, coming of age or marrying, such property as she can best spare from the Estate. 

3. I give unto my two sons, George and John, at the death of their mother, all my lands, including any interest in Kerby's land to be equally divided between them according to the number of acres, George the mansion house, or place where I now live, and John the other plantation called the New House tract; should either of my sons die under age and unmarried, I give unto the survivor all my lands.

4. I give unto my Daughter Mary Jones the sum of five thousand Dollars, together with what I have already given her, and a sum of money due me by her husband John Jones to be paid to her as soon as the money can be raised.

5. I give unto my son George at the death of his Mother, two slaves, Billy and Rachel, together with those I already given him, of which he has

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-06 15:09:17