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State of Virginia
City of Richmond
To Wit

I Jane O. Bayly do solemnly swear that I am not embraced in any of the exceptions of Presidents Johnson's proclamations of the 29th of May 1865 that I have never aided abetted or assisted the so called Confederate States in the late rebellion nor have I by act or deed done anything to the injury of the United States.
That my farm called T.B. in the County of Northhampton State of Virginia has never been acquired by the United States by sale confiscation or otherwise.
(sign here)
Jane O Bayly 

Sworn to before me Samuel T Bayly Notary of Public for the City of Richmond this 4th day of October 1865. 
Sam'l T. Bayly 
Notary Public 

Transcription Notes:
Used photoshop to bring contrast up to read the words but cannot figure out what that one word is ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-06 14:26:55