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day of May 1865, Copies of which are herewith filed, marked A & B.
On the 25th day of July 1865, the President of the United States granted your petitioner a full pardon and Amnesty for all offenses by him committed, arising from participation in the rebellion. A copy of the same duly attested is herewith filed marked C.
4. Your petitioner does not come within any of the excepted classes, mentioned in the said Proclamation.
5. The said lands have never been libelled or confiscated by the United States Government or sold for taxes
6. The said lands are not occupied by Freedman and not in the occupation of the Govt. for any purpose.
7. On the __ day of December, 1865, your petitioner notified in writing, Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State of the United States, that he had received and accepted the conditions of the Presidents said pardon. 

On the 15th Day of December 1865, your petitioner and said Teackle W. Jacobs, and Rachelle, his wife conveyed the tract of land called Woodlands by deed, to Freeman [[?]] Cox Jr. & Chas. L. Sneeden, in fee.

In consideration of the premises, your petitioner prays the restoration of his said lands and that the lease for said rents may [[?]] up to him, and said rent, released. 
And your petitioner will ever pray &c.
E.W. Bayly