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Office of Provost Marshall
Richmond Va May 5th 1865

No 1616

This is to certify that E.W. Bailey in the Paroled, having this day been examined by me, and it appearing that his intentions are honest in having taken the Amnesty Oath under the Presidents Proclamation of December 8th 1863, is by the terms of the annexed order of the War Department, exempted from conscription, or Military Service in the armies of the United States, serving against the rebels, and has permission to go to Eastern Shore.

Theo Miller  Maj & P.M.

War Department, Adjutant General's Office
Washington, D.C. February 18th 1864. 

General Order
No 64

Whenever refugees from within the rebel lines, or deserters from the rebel armies, present themselves at the United States Camps or Military ports, they will be immediately examined by the Provost Marshal, with a view to determine their character and their motives in giving themselves up.

If it appears that they are honest in their intentions of forever deserting the rebel cause, care will be taken to explain to them, that they will not be forced to serve in the United States Army against the rebels, nor be kept in confinement.  The Presidents Proclamation of December 8th 1863, will be read to them, and, if they so desire, the oath therein prescribed will be administered to them.  They will then be questioned as to whether they desire employment from the United States; and, if so, such arrangements as may be expedient will be made by the several Army Commanders for employing