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The Affidavit of Miers W. Fisher, Leonard B. Nottingham, and John W. Colonna, of Northampton County, Virginia.

These affiants having been first duly sworn, upon their oaths do say: That they were well acquainted with the late Margaret S. Bayly, of said County, the mother of Edmund W. Bayly, of the town of Staunton in the same State, that at the time of her death and during more than twenty five years previously thereto, she was seized in fee simple of a tract of land in said County, called woodlands, containing about  acres, and of another tract of land in said County called Willington, containing about   acres; that the said Margaret S. Bayly died on or about the  day of June 1862, intestate, leaving her Son, the said Edmund w. Bayly, and her only daughter, Rachel M. Jacob, wife of Teackle W. Jacob, her only heirs at law.

Miers W. Fisher
John W Colonna
Leonard B Nottingham

Sworn to and subscribed by the said Miers W. Fisher Leonard B. Nottingham, and John W. Colonna