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State of Virginia,
County of Northampton, to wit: }

I, Lafayette Harmanson, Clerk of the County Court, in and for said county in the State aforesaid, hereby certify, that it appears from the "Table of Tracts of Land", an official Register of lands within the said county, and on file in my office, that the late Margaret S. Bayly was, in her lifetime, the owner in fee of two tracts of land; one of which tracts contains four hundred and five acres, valued at six thousand four hundred and eighty dollars ($6480.00), and the other contains seven hundred and eighty five acres, valued at ten thousand two hundred and five dollars ($10205.00-)

In Testimony Whereof, I hereto set my hand and annex the seal of the said court this 16th day of March A.D. 1866, and in the 90th year of our Foundation.

L. Harmanson, Clerk.