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This Indenture made this 4th day of March 1853 Between William T. Hendren special Commissioner as hereinafter mentioned and Ann H. Johnson of the one party and William H. Addington Trustee of the Seperate Estate of Eliza. Anne. Berry, the wife of John Leroy Berry of the other party. Witnesseth that whereas by a decree of the Circuit Courts of the City of Norfolk pronounced on the 17th day of November 1851 in a Suit therein pending between Ann. H. Johnson widow of William. Johnson deceased and guardian of her infant children William & Crawford Johnson as plaintiff and the said William & Crawford Johnson by their guardian ad litem appointed by the Court to defend them in this Suit and Ann.. H Johnson in her own right as defendants it was decreed that Wm. T. Hendren and S. S. Stubbs or either of them who were thereby appointed Special Commissioner for that purpose should sell at public auction to the highest bidder on a credit for Six months except for the expenses of sale which should be cash after giving ten days notice thereof and of the time & place and terms in two of the Norfolk Newspapers, and at the Courthouse door, the lot of land in the Bill mentioned & described therein as an improved lot in the City of Norfolk at the corner of the lot on Charlotte Street which William. Johnson purchased of Eliza. B. Vickery and running Southwardly One hundred and fifty feet to an accomodation lane thence along said lane Westerly forty seven feet, thence Northwardly one hundred and fifty feed and thence Eastwardly along Charlotte Street forty seven feet to the place of beginning all which will appear by reference to the proceedings of said suit and the Report of sale returned by said Commissioner to the Court and whereas also by the Terms of the said Decree