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At a Regular Term of the United States District Court for the District of Virginia held at the Court Room in the City Hall in the City of Norfolk on Monday the 5th day of June A.D. 1865

[[right margin]] No 124 [[/right margin]]
Present the Honorable John C. Underwood District Judge United States
All the right title interest and Estate of Kader Biggs now or late of the City of Norfolk District of Virginia in and to a certain Lot or parcel of land in the said City of Norfolk situate on the corner of Duke and Freemason Streets in said City with a Brick House therein Numbered (3) Three and being the same now occupied by Warren W. Wing  [[right margin]] Confiscation [[/right margin]]
Together with all the Furniture Goods Chattles and personal property of every description of the said Kader Biggs in the building upon the said lot or upon the said Lot itself.
On motion of L H Chandler Esqr. United States District Attorney for and in behalf of the United States the cost being paid It is ordered by the Court that the Libel and all proceedings herein be dismissed.
I certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the original Order in above entitled cause.
W H Barry

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-08 22:20:34