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State of Virginia; County of Norfolk to wit,

I LeRoy. G. Edwards Clerk of the County Court of Norfolk County, State of Virginia aforesaid, do hereby certify that it appears from the records of said Court that a certain tract of land situated in Norfolk County, on the Western Branch adjoining the land of Adam Poyner and others containing ninety four acres more or less, also another tract of swamp land containing twenty five acres more or less and bounded by the lands of Adam Poyner and others, is the property of Virginus. B. Bilisoly.

In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and affixed the seal of the said Court this 9th day of October 1865 in the 90th year of the Commonwealth.

LeRoy. G. Edwards C C

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-06 20:48:19 There is NO apostrophe in "LeRoy". The L is just written in fancy cursive.