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Estate of the said John Nimmo, who had derived the said lot, from his Fathers James Nimmo Dec'd. as will be seen by a deed recorded in the clerks office at Norfolk, bearing date the twentieth day of December in the year Eighteen hundred from James Nimmo to John Nimmo in which the Boundaries are thus described,
"Beginning at a stone on Cumberland Street on the line of Henry Herbert (previously owned by Nathaniel Colley) and running along said Herberts line one hundred and thirty one and a half feet or thereabouts, to the back line of said land, from thence along the back line of George Wilson land thirty four feet to a stone, from thence Westwardly parallel with the first line one hundred and thirty one and a half feet or thereabouts to Cumberland street, and from thence northwardly along said street thirty four feet to the beginning" The said boundaries - being now owned it is believed - on the north by Mrs. Susan Langley : on the back or east by Mr. Smiley, on the South by Mr. Dey and on the west by Cumberland Street. Said Lot or part of Lot being sold with all and singular, the improvements privileges and appurtenances, belonging, or in any, will appertaining to it. To Have and to hold

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-05 17:38:43 Needed a few edits of words.