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I, Littleton Waller Tazewell of the City of Norfolk being in my perfect senses do make and declare this paper to be my last Will and Testament hereby revoking any other will by me at any time heretofore made. I give bequeath and confirm unto each of my six children Louisa A. Tazewell, John A. Tazewell, Sarah A. Tazewell, Ann E Bradford, Mary Waller and Ella W. Tazewell all the property of any kind now in their possession respectively which I have heretofore given to any of them but some of it I may not have formally conveyed to them. This bequest however is not to be construed as including the house and lot on the North side of Main Street whereon I formerly resided, at present occupied temporarily by Mr Bradford my son in law and his family. But if he chooses to retain the same as part of his wife's portion of my estate it is my will and desire that he be permitted to do so, provided that in the division of the residue of my estate hereinafter directed the sum of Five Thousand dollars shall be deducted from the share of my daughter Ann as the equivalent of this house and lot which in the event I give and devise to my said daughter Ann E. Bradford. I give and bequeath to my daughter Louisa A. Tazewell the sum of Five thousand dollars in addition to what I have already given her. I give and devise to my grand daughter Sarah Tazewell the daughter of my deceased son Littleton W. Tazewell the lot situated on the North side of Main Street whereon her father dwelt during his life, bounded on the South by Main Street and on the west by William Street, on the North by Plume Street and on the east by the lot whereon her great grand father John Nivison formerly resided. I give and bequeath to my said grand daughter also four certificates of six percent Stock of the Commonwealth of Virginia standing in my name on the books of the second auditor amounting to Ten thousand dollars. All the rest and residue of my estate of whatever nature or kind it may be not herein before devised or bequeathed I give and bequeath to my six children hereinbefore named to be equally divided between them. Some of the property herein devised belonged to my deceased wife and has never been conveyed by her to me. Much of this property is now so mixed with my own that it would be if not impossible very difficult at least to distinguish them and greatly injurious to both to seperate them. Therefore to avoid confusion and to prevent disputes I have

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-03 18:17:12 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-03 20:22:34 Tazewell, not Gazewell