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in any of the excepted classes of the Proclamation of the President, bearing date the 29th May 1865.  He is dependent upon his labor for a support, and his family consists of his said wife, and two small children.

5th The undersigned James Campbell took the oath of amnesty prescribed by President Lincolns Proclamation, on the 9th day of April 1865; subsequently to wit on the 7th July last he took that prescribed by President Johnson, and on the 3rd August last the undersigned Susan W. Campbell took and subscribed the said last mentioned oath, certified copies of which are herewith filed.

Under this state of facts, the undersigned respectfully and earnestly ask, that you will cause the said property to be restored to them, and they will ever pray be  

Jas. Campbell
Susan W. Campbell

City of Petersburg to wit

This day personally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace for the city aforesaid, James Campbell & Susan W. Campell, whose names are signed to the writing above, and severally made oath that the same is true.
Given under my hand this 14th Sept 1865.
W. W. Townes

Transcription Notes:
W.W. Townes was the Mayor of the City of Petersburg from 1865-1868