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State of Virginia,
County of Northampton, to wit:

I, Lafayette Harmansen, Clerk of the County Court in and for said county, in the State aforesaid, hereby certify, that it appears from the "Tables of Tracts of Land", an official Register of the lands within the said county, that William S. Christian is the owner in fee, of four hundred acres of land valued at six thousand and four hundred dollars ($6,400.00). And I further certify, that it does not appear that he is the owner of any other land in the said county.

In Testimony whereof, I have set my hand and annex the Seal of the Said Court, this ninth day of September A.D. 1865, and in the 90th year of our foundation.

L. Harmensen, Clerk.

Personally appeared before me Doct George F WIlkins and Ellison L Coxten and made oath that William S. Christian is included in none of the exceptions in the President's proclamation of May the 29th 1865. Given under my hand this 11th day of September 1865 as a Justic eof the Peace of Northampton Co.  Wm R. Fisker J.P.

State of Virginia,
County of Northampton, to wit:

I, Lafayette Harmensen, Clerk of the Court in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, hereby certify, that Wm R. Fisker, before whom the above oaths were made, was at the time a Justice of the Peace in and for said COunty, duly commissioned and qualified and that his signature above is genuine. Given under my hand and official Seal this 11th day of September A.D. 1865
L. Harmensen, C.C.
