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No 25
   I do hereby Certify that on the 30th day of June 1865, at Boydson [[Boydton]] Va. the Oath prescribed by the President of the United States in his Proclamation of May 29th, 1865, was duly taken, subscribed and made matter of record by Mrs Lucy Coke of Mecklenburg Co. Va. 
Wm R Hedges
Capt 16th U.S. Art. and Provost Marshal.

Virginia: Princess Anne County, to wit:
   I, John J. Burroughs Clerk pro tempore of Princess Anne County Court, do certify, that some 8 or ten years ago I recorded, and at various times afterwards, made copies of the Will of Henry Cornick Jr decd. I have a distinct recollection that he devised to his daughter Lucy (now wife of William W. Coke) and to her children a tract of land in Holland swamp in this County, which said land I understood has been rented out by an agent of the Federal Government and Freedmens Bureau: I do also certify that said tract of land is not of the value of $20,000 perhaps it is worth half that sum.  I cannot ascertain the value assesssed in 1860 as the Records of the County are still in the possession of the Military Authorities of this District, in Norfolk.
J.J. Burroughs, C. Pro tem.
of Prs. Anne County Court
Septr 13th 1865.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-05 13:23:46 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-06 08:11:05 Wm R Hedges, not Ledge 30th day of June, not 3d