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10 poles to an inch
[[image]]5-sided polygon drawn with corners labelled ABCDE, and "53 poles" in center[[/image]]

Prince George County, To Wit.

Surveyed for F.C. Stainback and J.W. Pegram Trustees of W.J. Morris a Lot of land on City Point sold to Jno. H. Lochhead and find it to contain Fifty three poles and bounded as follows.
beginning at a corner stone near a large locust tree in front of the House at A thence S 5 1/2°. W 5 poles + 6 links to a corner stone at B thence N. 85°. W 5 poles + 10 links to a stone at .C. thence N. 71°. W. 2 poles to a corner stone between the said Lot and H.W. Machen at .D. thence along the said Machen's line N 7°.E.9. poles and 9 links to another corner stone on the said Machen's lot at E thence .S.52°. E. 8 poles and 11 links to the beginning.
   Given under my hand this 1st day of January 1845.
(signed) Robert F Epps

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-05 14:26:45 Added degree symbols where written.