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United States of America
United States District Court District of Virginia
Clerks office s.s.

This is to certify That I have examined and Inspected the records and files remaining in this office and that the only property I find Libelled for Confiscation &c in said Court as the property of John K. Cooke is the following viz.

United States
All the right title interest and estate of John K. Cooke in and to all that certain lot pice or parcel of land inthe City of Portsmouth District of Viginia situated on Dinwiddee Street (on the East side hereof) between fourth and Crabb Streets and being a part of Lot No. 121. in the Plan of the Town (now City) of Portsmouth Being the same premises occupied by Military Band of the U.S.

United States
All the goods, chattels Household furniture and other personal property in and upon the Dwelling House and appurtenances thereto belonging No.- opposite the Baptist Church in the City of Portsmouth