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Presdt. Johnson and the same he has observed in good faith, and intends so to do.
That no proceedings against said property has been instituted against said property in the District Court of the United States for the State of Virginia as will appear by the annexed Certificate.

In consideration of the premises, your petitioner would most respectfully ask the restoration of the said Lands and property aforesaid. 

Robert Cooke

Virginia: York County, Court:

This day personally appeared before me a justice of the peace in and for my said County. Robert Cooke of the County aforesaid, and made oath that the facts set forth in the foregoing petition are true. That he is not worth Twenty Thousand Dollars, That he is not within any of the excepted classes of the Presidents proclamation, of May the 29th  1865, and that he is entitled to all the benefits of the same he having complied with all its requirements and is still willing so to do. 

Given under my hand this 2nd day of December A.D. 1865.
Robt. H. Powers J.P.