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In the name of God Amen I. William Doyle of the City of Norfolk and State of Virginia of Sound mind and disposing memory do make, ordain, publish and declare this as and for my last will and testament hereby revoking all former Wills and testaments heretofore made by me
Imprimis, I direct all my just debts to be paid and discharged Item, I give bequeath and devise unto my dearly beloved wife Louisa Catherine Doyle her heirs administrators or assigns all and whatsoever the Estate right title and interest which I now have in and to a certain lot of land with buildings thereon, situate in the City of Norfolk State of Virginia and described as follows, commencing at the corner of Cove Street and running Southwardly twenty feet inches, thence Westwardly One hundred & Eighteen feet, thence Northwardly twenty feet inches, and thence Eastwardly along the said Cove Street One hundred and Eighteen feet, to the place of beginning together with all the rights privileges and immunities belonging to, or connected with the same and which is more particularly set forth and explained by a certain deed of partition between the heirs of Martin Doyle deceased and which Deed is of record in the Clerks office of the City of Norfolk

Item _ I also give bequeath and devise unto my said wife Louisa Catherine Doyle heirs admrs or assigns all that slip piece or parcel of land on Cove Street adjoining the property now owned by the City and occupied as the site of Engine house, running East on Cove Street to the line of a proposed lane about twelve feet, And it is also my further Will, wish and intention in respect to the two foregoing devises that should my said wife Louisa Catharine Doyle not assign the said property during her life and should die or depart this life without makeing a will or last testament and by that said Will naming and specifying the person or persons intended to be made legatee, that then shall the omission or failure either of makeing a Will or of designating the person or persons intended

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-05 08:57:59 per SI, when a word is split between pages (here, the last word is "intended") the full word is to be on BOTH pages ---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-05 12:03:11