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natural life and no longer, all and singular the lot of land with the tenements thereon situate in the City of Norfolk next adjoining the land herein before devised to my wife Louisa which said land devised to Gabriella runs twenty feet    inches Southwardly on Church Street, thence Westwardly On hundred and eighteen to a proposed lane, thence Northwardly twenty feet    inches and thence Eastwardly One hundred & eighteen feet to the place of beginning and after her decease the said land tenements etc to the children & their heirs of the said Martin & Gabriella Doyle forever. I also give in like manner to Gabriella Doyle widow aforesaid for the term of her natural life all my interest which is five Sixths in and two female slaves named Jane and - her daughter and in and to their present and future increase for the like period of the said Gabriella's natural life and upon the decease of Gabriella to the children of the aforesaid Martin Doyle and Gabriella his wife for their own proper use and benefit forever. The said two slaves are now in the possession of the heirs of the Said Martin Doyle and were in his possession as a loan from his mother Mrs Mary Doyle deceased. It is also my will that the Executors or administrators of the Estate of the Said Martin Doyle deceased shall be required to execute to my heirs Executors or admr a full acquittance or discharge in writing to me my heir Executors or admr as administrator or for my Administration of the Estate of Martin and Mary Doyle my parents deceased.

It is my Will that my wife Louisa be the sole Executrix of this my last Will and testament.

In order that my meaning may be plain I deem it necessary to express again my will and intention as is attempted to be done on the first page beginning at "That if my said wife" That should my said wife die intestate, or having made a will, should not in it specify those by name who she wishes should be her heirs, in either of these cases - the devise made Contingently of the foregoing property to the children of my two

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-05 12:07:35