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Warwick County Oct 2nd 1865.

Capt. C.B. Wilder
Supt. Freedmen &c Peninsula

I beg leave most respectfully to represent for your consideration the following statement of facts.

William C. Crafford late of the County of Warwick, departed this life in the fall of 1862, seized and possess of several tracts of land, lying in said County, containing in all about Five Hundred and ninety six acres, bounded South by the James River, East by Jone's Est. & West by Carter Crafford's est.

That the said William C. Crafford died intestate, leaving four children, his heirs at law: That said children are all infants, under the age of twenty years: that they are entirely without the means of support and are now living upon the charity of their friends, nearly all of whom have been made paupers by the war.  That I as their legally qualified Guardian most respectfully request that the land above described may be restored to me in order that I may make some provision for their maintenance & support, without which they must inevitably.  I make this request in discharge of my duty to protect the interests of my wards, & trust that the said land will be restored to me, their guardian, under the late order issued from the Bureau at Washington restoring all property which has not been confiscated and sold to its rightful owners.

Very respectfully &c.
Francis M. Jones, Gdn.

State of Virginia
York County to wit.

Francis M. Jones this day personally appeared before me & made oath that the statements contained in the

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