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he has been pardoned by taking the Amnesty oath of President Johnson's proclamation, (see copy herewith filed, marked C).  And that, he does not come within any of the fourteen exceptions therein enumerated, as fully appears by the certificate of Lieutenant Porter filed herewith, marked D.

Your petitioner finally shows that, he has suffered greatly by the war, and the only property he has left in his real estate.  That the little farm he rented near Danville Virginia, he will have to vacate and give up at the end of the present year, and he has no place to rest himself and family in the future, unless he can obtain the possession of his farm aforesaid.  He, therefore, prays to recover the immediate possession of his said farm called "Endview", and as he is entirely destitute of means, he also prays that, he may be allowed to recover the rent that may accrue to the United States government this year therefor - And your petitioner will ever pray &c.

H.H. Curtis

Octo: 31st 1865.