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I Henry J Dalby of the City of Norfolk and the State of Virginia Now residing in the City of Petersburg where I was engaged in the Clothing and manufacturing business nearly all the War I was solicited by a gentleman of Petersburg before the evacuation of my old home Norfolk to go with him to do business; I readily concented and went. Norfolk being evacuated a line was drawn between me and my family: My property was seised as abandon property when my family and furnature [[furniture]] was occupying it. I went home (or rather my family's adopted home in the county of Princess Ann) with the Rheumatica on me and proseded to Norfolk and took the Oath. I would be under many obligations for the restoration of my property to me as I am desirous of settling my family at their old home once more
I remain yours &c Henry J Dalby Petersburg Va  Oct 12th 1865

Henry I Dalby
Petersburg Va