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Richmond Octo 12th 1865

To Col. O Brown.
Sup Bureau Freedmen &c for Virginia

I most respectfully ask that a certain tract of land lying in the County of Elizabeth City Virginia be restored to me, This piece or parcel of land is bounded as follows. On the North by a Branch of Back River on the South by the land of Dr Howard Poole on the East by Back River and on the West by the land of Robert S. Hudgins and contains by survey One Hundred and Ninety One 63/100 acres. Your petitioner respectfully represents that he has taken no part in the War, is not now or ever was the possessor of property to the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars and is not excepted from the benefits of the Amnesty Proclamation of President Lincoln or Johnson

I have the honor to be
Very respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
R. H. Davis

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2024-04-08 10:20:59