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United States of America
United States District Court District of Virginia
Clerk's Office. S.s. 

This is to certify that I have Examined and Inspected the Records and files in this office. And that the only property I find Libelled or proceedings commenced against for confiscation as the property of William W. Davis is the following. = viz. 

No. 21.
All the right title interest and estate of William W. Davis in and to all that certain lot piece parcel or lot of land with its appurtenances situate lying and being in that part of the City of Portsmouth called Gosport in the Eastern District of Virginia, and bounded as follows. Beginning at the South East corner of John Cherrys lot and running north and along the line of John Cherrys lot one hundred and twenty one feet thence East Fifty feet thence South one hundred and twenty one feet to the north side of Lincoln Street thence West and along the north side of Lincoln Street Fifty feet to the point of beginning. The said South East corner of John Cherrys lot on the north side of Lincoln Street. 

Together with all the goods, wares chattels and personal property of the said William W. Davis in and upon premises. 

No. 36. 
All the right title interest and estate of William W. Davis in and to all those certain lots tracts or parcels of land in the City of Portsmouth in the Eastern District of               

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